Read The New Batman Review 2022 Here

the new batman reviews

It’s been decades since people started cherishing and loving Batman as their HERO. And the fondness didn’t hold itself to one region, age, or community – it crossed countless boundaries. Anytime a new Batman movie comes in, it automatically becomes the talk of the town.

From day one when news broke into the industry about casting Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson as Batman, people started to question. Maybe because of his boyish look or the physique he has. It became hard to swallow for DC and Marvel enthusiasts and accept Pattison as Batman. But if you are hoping to get a bomb out of today’s The New Batman Movie review, then behold!!!! You will be getting one.


The New Batman Movie Review

The New Batman |
@Screen Rant

This new batman movie seems like more of a detective mystery from start to end. It appears to be a superhero who became Batman two years ago in Gotham City. Suddenly mayoral candidates die in the hand of a zodiac killer-Esque villain known as Riddler.


Robert Pattinson


The movie begins with the mystery of finding that villain. Confusion and mystery between Riddler and Batman spike up. It seems like the first 30 minutes of The Night Rises. The music by Michael Giacchino may seem a bit of moody tack. It’s not something as amazing as the previous movies were.

As the movie proceeds, it shows the tired and compelling mystery between Gotham City and Batman. But it is not something exciting to watch. People fans of Nolan’s trilogy find many ups and downs in the movie.


Why Robert Pattinson? 

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Robert Pattinson seemed to struggle in this character. He seemed like a lost boy in the movie. Throughout the movie, Riddler was only communicating through cards, bombs, and greets. He was not meeting him in person. The only conversation which happened was through Facetime.

But the moment they both came into one room. The Batman and Riddler seemed like one of the best hours of the movie. Though the whole movie is too long, approximately 3 hours, this one hour between these two main characters was a beauty.

They had one of the best exchanges of words. It seemed like a good show. Many people commented that if the dragging was less, it might be a good movie. Pattinson seemed to be unfit for this character. The batman character is admired and loved all over the world. Unfortunately, Pattinson couldn’t do justice to this character. It seemed more like a sense of abandonment and not understanding the enthusiasm that fans bring for this character.



Though, the 3 long hours. The cinematography is wonderful. The VFX is full of hard work. Despite the disappointment that it does not seem like a batman movie.

The new batman movie defines a mystery fight between Batman and Riddler. How Riddler troubles Gotham’s City with mystery murder. How did Batman manage to find him? You may have to find it in the movie but hope today’s new batman review helped you in getting an idea of what to expect this time.


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